You may think Brazilian beachwear brand, Morena’s Choice, may be showcased in a post that is occurring somewhere around the same time the Northern Hemisphere starts tilting a bit closer to the sun - say in, August, perhaps. However, we like our gift suggestions to be original and therefore think gifting a sunshine inspired brand in the middle of winter, when outlooks generally include frosty roofs upon grey skies is actually the ideal time to start bringing thoughts of summer to your loved one.
“Hook on a nail on the wall and chose the perfect phrase for your partner, some might call that a clever multi season, multi-purpose gift “hack”
A few suggestions: firstly the hand embroidered, wide-brimmed hats are not only useful for the extra protection against those UV rays (which of course are coming in buckets by April, we reckon) but whilst one is waiting to put their statement hat on and start whistling along to “the sun has got his hat on” they make perfect decorative additions to the home. Hook on a nail on the wall and chose the perfect phrase for your partner, some might call that a clever multi season, multi-purpose gift “hack”. They are also decorated with love hearts in lieu of exclamation points no less! We have choices from “Good Vibes”, “Sunshine” and if your valentine is partial to a bit of sass “Not today”. Now, we think whilst they await the arrival of said sunny day if it is displayed in sight next to the coat rack, or mirror, every time they glance at it that the imagination will do a quick transportation and certainly activate some warmth neurotransmitters, both for the hat and the romantic devil who thought up such a surprise gift. Next suggestion: bodysuits that double up as swimwear. If anyone has the eye for vivacious and colourful prints, it’s native Brazilian, Liane, who embroiders the hats and sources the bodysuits. After over a decade in London she started Morena’s Choice knowing exactly what to choose when bringing her influence to London. The bodysuits can be worn over high-waisted jeans and underneath a cardigan - or used as swimwear and whipped out at your local leisure centre (why not?) or for your Harvard application video (Elle Woods would certainly approve) or on Brighton beach (until we get to Rio that is!).
If this Valentine’s day is calling for you to give your significant other some loving acknowledgement, and you want to engage in the romantic ritual but go beyond the purely commercial associations that the date has come to conjure for so many, we think a pottery gift can symbolise many sentiments: commitment, togetherness, stability and beauty - all the things that are meaningful year round, not just in February.
SoLo is therefore delighted to be featuring a selection of Robert Silver’s work. A Potter turned Writer and Teacher, who has now returned to his original vocation, where he desires to create pieces that are not only artistic expressions but durable pieces that are also meant to be seen (no need to put these in then far back of any cupboards). We think a pottery piece, whether as a full set - or a singular jug or espresso cup, speaks of lasting significance. Here you present something that will follow you from home to home, and perhaps even generation to generation. The everyday use of the item adds to the romance of its origin being a gift from one love to another. The roots that you build together figuratively in your relationship, over time, can be remembered automatically, unconsciously, whilst you both go along with ordinary, daily, things. The sentiment is remembered over the enjoyment of these simple things - the first sip from your morning coffee, or serving tea to a friend or neighbour. The thought remains within the piece and grows in meaning, as you bring it out and use it often.
“...what I really like is the idea that people should want to use my work, ideally every day.””
We have three colours in stock: navy blue, ivory/cream and an earthly brown. Others have described Robert’s work as “Post Industrial, Steam Punk and Art Deco-meets-Leach”. He says “All labels I can live with, that imply a little attitude…However, what I really like is the idea that people should want to use my work, ideally every day.” Check out more of Robert’s work on his website where he also keeps a blog.